Walk To School Week

Walk To School Week

Walk To School Week

by Luan K

National Walk to School Week took place this year from Monday, September 19th - 23rd, 2022. It is an initiative to encourage everyone to walk to school or to Park and Stride*.
6th Class students surveyed parents and teachers to gather information on their thoughts on the initiative and ways to encourage them to leave their cars at home.

The initiative was a huge success with many pupils and parents choosing to walk to school! Out of 100 parents, teachers and students surveyed 51% walked the entire journey, whilst 33% took the park and stride option with many others cycling or scooting. An impressive 100% of those surveyed agreed to support a Walk On Wednesday initiative going forward.

Below are some images from what was a hugely enjoyable WOW day (Walk On Wednesday) during our Walk To School week.

*Park and Stride: Park your car at a designated location and walk the rest of the way to your destination.

Walk To School WeekWalk To School WeekWalk To School WeekWalk To School WeekWalk To School WeekWalk To School WeekWalk To School WeekWalk To School WeekWalk To School WeekWalk To School WeekWalk To School WeekWalk To School WeekWalk To School Week
St Brigid's Boys' NS,
Mart Lane,
Dublin 18,

01 289 3199

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