Extra-Curricular Activities

The school is justifiably proud of its reputation in the area of extra-curricular activities. We are motivated by a desire to provide an all-round education for our pupils; education for leisure and sport for all are fundamental to our philosophy. Each pupil is encouraged to choose and participate in some of the following wide range of cultural and sporting activities:

  • Gaelic Games
  • Athletics
  • Soccer
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Basketball
  • Music Classes
  • Speech and Drama
  • Lego club
  • French
  • Tin Whistle
  • Art and Craft
  • Gaeilge
  • Zumba

These activities are provided by Staff, parents and outside instructors and it is school policy to extend the range of activities where possible within the limits of time, resources, and personnel. The school participated in a wide range of inter-school competitions and our trophy cabinet bears testimony to our many achievements! For many years our athletic teams have dominated events at the Dublin Primary School Sports. In recent years school Rugby teams have made their presence felt in inter-club competitions and our pupils also form the backbone of local Soccer Clubs. School Gaelic teams have made a number of successful trips to Croke Park. When it comes to quizzes our senior classes are “masterminds”. In the area of Speech and Drama both individual and group performances have been extremely impressive. A schedule of extra-curricular activities is organised each September and parents are circularised with details of what is available for each age group.

St Brigid's Boys' NS,
Mart Lane,
Dublin 18,

01 289 3199

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